ESPN이 소개하는 한화 이글스
by 뚜시기2 | 20.05.06 06:31 | 19,632 hit

 Hanwha Eagles: The Eagles boast one of the most passionate fan bases in the entire KBO despite a franchise history with few bright spots, with the team's lone Korean Series championship coming in 1999, following their introduction in 1986. The Eagles are the lovable losers of the league, similar to the Chicago Cubs during the Curse of the Billy Goat era. Although spectators won't be allowed for games. Eagles fans have a reputation for staying the entire game regardless of the score. The team's farm system is regarded as one of the worst in the league, and the roster is filled with aging veterans and inexperienced young players.

주요 문장.

The Eagles are the lovable losers of the league
한화이글스는 리그의 사랑스러운 패배자들이다 

Eagles fans have a reputation for staying the entire game regardless of the score.
이글스의 팬들은 점수와 상관없이 남은 경기를 버티면서 보는것으로 유명하다

The team's farm system is regarded as one of the worst in the league
이 팀의 선수풀은 리그에서 최악으로 평가받으며

the roster is filled with aging veterans and inexperienced young players.
로스터는 나이든 베테랑들과 경험없는 젊은 선수들로 채워져있다

너무 정확한데... 어떻게 알았지? 니가 제보했냐???

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