[소식] EA의 배틀필드:배드컴퍼니™ 2 업데이트
by ACE♡ | 11.06.09 08:46 | 2,105 hit
EA사의 유명 FPS인 '배틀필드:배드컴퍼니™2' iOS버전이 금일 업데이트 되었습니다.

업데이트 내용 : 멀티플레이 환경개선 , 입장인원증가 (총 10인 5:5 온라인 멀티플레이 지원)

다운로드(미국계정) : http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/battlefield-bad-company-2/id405602642?mt=8

원문 :
What's New in Version 1.0.2

** UPDATE NOW AND ESCALATE THE MULTIPLAYER INTENSITY! ** Get into multiplayer matches quicker and easier, and battle with up to 10 players! You may be unable to access online play without installing the update, so download NOW.

The action keeps getting better! In response to your feedback, improvements and optimizations include an enhanced online-multiplayer lobby and increased players-per-game. Choose from available matches and mobilize for combat faster than ever with more of your friends!

Thanks for playing Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and making it a breakout hit on the App Store!  

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